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12/04/24 TransThrive Events

  • Drop-In 2-4:30pm

  • Transformative Mindfulness 3:30-4:30pm

  • What’s TEA?! 4:30-6:30pm 

Transformative Mindfulness

This group introduces participants to mindfulness practices from a gender-affirming, trauma-informed perspective and takes place during Drop-In every Wednesday. In addition to learning and practicing mindfulness skills, participants have the opportunity to check-in about how they’re doing and offer support to one another. 

What’s TEA?! Drop-In

This is a space for BIPOC youth (ages 13-34yo) providing empowerment through community building, education, and collaboration each Wednesday and Friday from 4:30-6:30pm at Trans:Thrive. Join us in collaboration with CalPEP and get excited to learn about sexual health and develop support through free testing, fun events, and targeted programming aimed at uplifting young trans people of color. 

A.T.E. (Asian Trans Empowerment)

An inclusive support group for Asian and Pacific Islander trans women. This meeting is in collaboration with the Lotus Project and takes place every 2nd/4th Wednesday now at 1460 Pine Street from 5-7pm. 

Events takes place at Trans: Thrive. Trans: Thrive is located at 1460 Pine St (between Larkin & Polk Streets). Our Drop-in center hours are Monday - Friday from 2:00–4:30pm.
Reception Phone: (415) 292-3415

Trans: Thrive Services are for:

  • Transgender people of color

  • Transgender people living with or at risk for HIV

  • Transgender people with substance abuse issues

  • Homeless and marginally housed trans people

  • Trans people in jail & re-entering society

  • Transgender youth, gender variant and non-conforming

  • Transgender people new to Bay area

  • Anyone on the trans/GQ/GV spectrum


San Francisco Community Health Center
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What’s Tea
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December 4

12/04/24 Community Living Room Events

December 4

The Lotus Project - Meteor Queers Drop-In Space